The Innovation Challenge
a project by Partner Logo
in collaboration with Partner Logo
media partner Partner Logo

Bergamasco classe 1972 è alla guida della Serafino Consoli e del progetto imprenditoriale That’s wow. Maestro d’Arte Orafa e in Arte Applicata all’Istituto Benvenuto Cellini di Valenza Po, è tra i primi a diplomarsi al GIA Gemological Institute of America nell’anno 1992. Gemmologo di professione e gioiellerie per tradizione familiare sin dal 1959, una volta terminati gli studi si dedica al suo viaggio imprenditoriale: creare gioielli unici, un’eredità dedicata alle generazioni future. Ivan espande la sua idea di progresso ed evoluzione arrivando alla creazione di collezioni brevettate, uniche al mondo in grado di rompere gli schemi: è il concept di That’s wow, con trasformazioni mai viste nel mondo dell’alta gioielleria.

Born in Bergamo in 1972, he is at the head of Serafino Consoli and the That’s wow entrepreneurial project. A teacher of the Goldsmith Art and Applied Art at the Benvenuto Cellini Institute in Valenza Po, he was among the first to graduate from the GIA “Gemological Institute of America” in 1992. A gemologist by profession and jeweler by family tradition since 1959, once he finished his studies, he dedicated himself to his entrepreneurial career by creating unique jewelry, a legacy devoted to future generations. Ivan develops his idea of progress and evolution to create globally unique, patented collections capable of breaking the mold: the That’s wow project boasts transformations never seen before in the world of high jewelry.